Legal professional privilege of in-house emails
Category: Corporate governance, Governance and Compliance19th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
Proposal for Anti‑Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Category: Intellectual Property19th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
McAfee Avert Labs Top 10 Threat Predictions for 2008
Category: Web/Tech18th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
Austrac online
Category: Anti-money laundering16th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
Takeovers Panel updates guidance on lock-up devices
Category: Corporations Act, Governance and Compliance14th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
Removal of company directors: disputed notice of meeting
Category: Corporations Act, Corporate governance14th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
iSelect gives advertising undertakings to ACCC
Category: Competition12th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
Fringe Lending – Submissions on Consumer Credit Code Amendments
Category: Financial Services12th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
Draft new code of practice for credit unions and mutual building societies
Category: Financial Services12th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson -
Lessig at TED: are we heading for a “read only” culture?
Category: Intellectual Property11th November, 2007 | by David Jacobson