Review of photo and film copying (format-shifting) law
Category: Intellectual Property19th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
Compliance culture at Sun: the pursuit of courage
Category: Governance and Compliance18th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
National Employment Standards
Category: Workplace17th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
Cross border recognition by Australia: Facilitating access to overseas markets and financial services
Category: Financial Services16th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
ACCC proposes revocation of eBay section 47 exclusive dealing immunity
Category: Competition16th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
Equine Influenza Inquiry and AQIS Compliance system
Category: Governance and Compliance16th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
Australia-New Zealand fund raising
Category: Corporations Act15th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
Societe Generale Inspection Report
Category: Governance and Compliance, Financial Services15th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
CAMAC report: Long–tail liabilities: the treatment of unascertained future personal injury claims.
Category: Corporations Act15th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson -
Facebook US wins Australian domain name dispute
Category: Intellectual Property15th June, 2008 | by David Jacobson