No misuse of data in 2004 election

The Australian Communications Authority (ACA) has found no evidence of misuse of data from the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) during
the 2004 federal election campaign.

The ACA has been investigating a complaint by the Australian Labor Party about telemarketing activities by the Liberal Party of Australia during the campaign.
The ACA’s investigation focused on whether the Liberal Party’s telemarketing activities improperly used data from the IPND.

“Our investigation found that the phone numbers were obtained from publicly available databases,” ACA Acting Chairman Dr Bob Horton said.

“These databases can include numbers that in the past were listed numbers, but have since become unlisted, as well as information from other sources.

“However, the ACA has asked the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner to review the complaint because there may be other matters within its jurisdiction.”

UPDATE: 30 March
The Privacy Commissioner, Karen Curtis, has advised that she will
not be investigating the complaint about the telemarketing activities
of the Liberal Party of Australia, which was referred to her by the
Australian Communications Authority (ACA) on 21 March 2005.

“I have examined the information provided to me by the ACA following its investigation of this matter,” Ms Curtis said.

“On the basis of that information, I am satisfied that the matters
raised would fall outside the jurisdiction of the Privacy Act, as it
provides an exemption for the acts and practices of political
organisations and those organisations  contracted to them,” said Ms


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