Corporate culture quiz update

If you are recruiting someone for your organisation whether it is for the board, senior management or other positions you will have to explain your organisation’s culture and values to the persons you interview.

Do your governance documents and policies reflect what you tell candidates?

Do you have a culture that encourages trust by developing an environment in which incidents are reported and the necessary processes for investigating and developing preventive action (such as re-training, improved supervision) and remediation are put in place?

Do you punish staff for complaining about unethical conduct?

Do you tolerate gross negligence, wilful violations and destructive acts by top income earners?

Our free quick 10 minutes 15 question quiz is designed to encourage thought about what could be done better in your organisation to improve your corporate culture.

What are the warning signs of potential bad behaviour?

Does a poor culture (including a lack of awareness of your values) mean that employees are more likely to expose the organisation to conduct risk?

Corporate culture is a factor courts consider in determining the penalty for a compliance breach.

ASIC’s view is that it is important for an entity to create a positive and open environment where employees feel they can come forward to make a disclosure and when an entity’s employees have a clear understanding of what represents ethical conduct, it will be easier to identify wrongdoing.

Take the quiz.


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