ACCC draft guide to unfair contract terms
Category: Competition, Consumer Law7th April, 2010 | by David Jacobson
Australian Consumer Law Stage 2
Category: Competition, Consumer Law19th March, 2010 | by David Jacobson
Unfair Terms in Insurance Contracts
17th March, 2010 | by David Jacobson
Australian Consumer Law passed
Category: Competition17th March, 2010 | by David Jacobson
Government responds to unconscionable conduct and franchising report
Category: Competition, Financial Services7th March, 2010 | by David Jacobson
National Consumer Credit – what should you be doing now?
7th January, 2010 | by David Jacobson
Westpac v ASIC: replacement unsolicited debit cards permitted
Category: Competition, Financial Services18th December, 2009 | by David Jacobson
Australian Consumer Law stage 2
Category: Competition, Marketing9th December, 2009 | by David Jacobson
Reforming statutory warranties
Category: Competition7th December, 2009 | by David Jacobson
Unconscionable conduct regulation
30th November, 2009 | by David Jacobson