Purchase of loan book: licensing requirement
Category: Consumer Credit16th January, 2014 | by David Jacobson
Privacy Regulations amended: credit reporting provisions
20th December, 2013 | by David Jacobson
Retaining credit representatives records
Category: Consumer Credit, EDR1st November, 2013 | by David Jacobson
ASIC sues GE Money: unsolicited credit card limit increase invitations
Category: Consumer Credit21st October, 2013 | by David Jacobson
New conditions for obtaining credit reports
Category: Consumer Credit, Privacy10th October, 2013 | by David Jacobson
APRA’s review of housing loan approval standards
Category: Consumer Credit12th September, 2013 | by David Jacobson
Using ASIC’s reverse mortgage calculator
Category: Consumer Credit6th September, 2013 | by David Jacobson
Car financiers to refund overpaid premiums
Category: Consumer Credit2nd September, 2013 | by David Jacobson
Credit Act and Regulations updated
Category: Consumer Credit2nd September, 2013 | by David Jacobson
UK card insurance settlement
27th August, 2013 | by David Jacobson