Access Card registration issues

The Chair of the Access Card Consumer and Privacy Taskforce, Professor Allan Fels
AO, has released the Discussion Paper on the Registration process.

In this Discussion Paper, the Taskforce has focussed on questions which it sees as directly related to, or immediately arising from, the central question of how to enrol, in excess of 16.0 million Australian citizens, permanent residents and other eligible persons and to provide them with their own Access Card before the scheme comes into full operation at some date in 2010.

The paper raises the fundamental question of what is the appropriate level of proof of identity that an applicant for an Access Card will need to establish in order to be issued with one.

It also discusses:

•managing address issues for persons who are chronically homeless
• security features related to data capture, transmission and storage
• particular issues related to people with religious/ethical objections to requirements of the Access Card registration process
• the methods of return of issued cards to cardholders
• commencement arrangements to activate operation of the Access Card
• the cancellation, suspension or deactivation of the card
• preferred replacement arrangements
• the specific issues faced by transgendered Australians
• the specific issues faced by people with mental illness or disability
• the specific issues faced in relation to the issue of cards to prisoners on release
• the inclusion of data about dependents, carers or people with powers of attorney on the card
• arrangements for the issue of the card, or amendment of its details, by Australians and other eligible cardholders living overseas.

paper was written by the Taskforce prior to the Senate Inquiry Report
being released .


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