
Ph: 61 7 3878 5098

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Thank you for all your assistance, expertise advice, meeting every deadline and ongoing support to ensuring a smooth transaction.

David and I worked together as part of the 6 month financial institution merger project which was completed successfully. David was available when needed and provided prompt, accurate and quality advice. He anticipated the major issues and provided practical and commercial solutions.
The quality outcome we achieved was a testament to David’s knowledge and commitment to the initiative. David’s contribution was first class.

Thanks for your monthly “Bright Law” update. You are able to distill the key issues from the myriad of noise, which is greatly appreciated.

I really love your regulatory change updates. They are well written for people to read and thorough.

Australian commercial and financial services lawyer

David Jacobson is the principal financial services lawyer at Bright Corporate Law in Australia. He has over 40 years of experience in business advice, compliance, and training. He also serves as a Non-Executive Director and Committee Member, with extensive board-level experience

As a practising lawyer and regulatory risk expert I’ve been helping some of Australia’s largest mutuals and other financial services providers.

I have a breadth of experience in financial services regulation based on advising financial services providers over a long period.

My particular focus is on working with directors, CEO’s, in-house counsel, responsible managers and compliance officers to develop their risk management and compliance frameworks.

I have practical experience on these issues as a director, as a lawyer and as an external compliance consultant.

I am efficient and knowledgeable.

I personally return calls, texts and emails promptly.

If you think I may be able to help you with some of the challenges you’re facing, then contact me for an informal discussion to see if we can work together.

Drop me a note via my Contact Form and we’ll sort something out.

As well as my Arts/Law degrees I have completed the following courses:

  • Graduate of the AICD Company Directors Course (2001);
  • Chartered Secretaries’ Australia course “Company Secretarial Practice and Meetings” (2007);
  • Governance Institute Risk Management (2019).

Scroll down for more information about me.

David Jacobson


What others say about David

“David Jacobson has been personally and professionally known to the [ADI] and me for at least thirty years.

He is a person whose opinion I value greatly and I have found his integrity to be beyond reproach.

David’s advice is always well researched and delivered with a clarity that is easily understood and able to be followed and implemented.

Our requests for advice have ranged from mundane to the more complex matters with some more urgent than others.

I have always valued the promptness of his responses. David is also most approachable by telephone.

As a Director I rely on his advice to deflect any suggestion of carelessness when making decisions and his advice has never been found wanting, and for this I am grateful. I have always worked on the premise of obtaining David’s advice before any actions are undertaken, and then confidently relying on the position thereafter. Never been disappointed yet.”

ADI Chair

David and I worked together as part of a 6 month financial Institution merger project which was completed successfully.

David was available when needed and provided prompt, accurate and quality advice. He anticipated the major issues and provided practical and commercial solutions.

I have always valued the promptness of his responses. David is also most approachable by telephone.

The quality outcome we achieved was a testament to David’s knowledge and commitment to the initiative. David’s contribution was first class.”


David’s experience

David Jacobson is the principal financial services lawyer at Bright Law.

David has over 40 years’ experience in business advice, compliance and training, large projects, contract drafting and reviews and day-to-day corporate issues.

His experience as a financial services and commercial lawyer includes: advice to credit unions, building societies, banks, superannuation funds, private health insurers and other mutuals in relation to regulatory matters including corporate governance, takeovers and mergers, capital issuance, commercial and regulatory matters; business and commercial law, contract reviews, banking and finance, technology and intellectual property.

His compliance experience includes Corporations Act, National Consumer Credit, APRA Prudential Standards, PPS, FSR, AML, Privacy and Consumer Protection and Competition and Trade Practices Law.

David provides compliance and CPD training, both face to face and online, as well as compliance program reviews. He edits the Australian Regulatory Compliance Review.

David has completed the Chartered Secretaries’ Australia course “Company Secretarial Practice and Meetings” and the AICD Company Directors Course. He was previously an independent director of a public company and a member of a Queensland Government Board.

He also completed the Australian Arts Governance Program in 2020 and the Governance Institute course “Risk Management: Assessing Risk, Risk Essentials” in 2019.


  • B.A (1975), LL.B(1976), University of Queensland.
  • Company Directors Course Diploma (AICD, UQ, 2001).
  • Completed Chartered Secretaries’ Australia course “Company Secretarial Practice and Meetings” (2007)
  • Solicitor of Supreme Court of Queensland (1979) and High Court of Australia
  • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Associate Member Governance Institute of Australia
  • Justice of the Peace (Qld)


David has written numerous manuals for Industry Association clients including on AML/CTF, FSR, Consumer Credit and Privacy. He also writes topical bulletins and maintains the firm’s news web pages. He is a frequent presenter of papers at conferences, seminars and workshops throughout Australia on financial services and governance topics (eg LexisNexis, Tonkin, TEN, Australian Institute of Credit Management, Australian Financial Institutions Auditors Association, Mutuals and Governance Professionals Institute).

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