At some stage, whether or not you are a lawyer, you will want to look at the primary source of a law or a court decision.
From time to time this site links to ComLaw and Austlii: ComLaw is the Australian Government site for legislation and regulations, Austlii is a free facility provided by the UTS and UNSW Faculties of Law and links to cases as well.
ComLaw has just been upgraded to ComLaw2, receiving a much needed redesign.
Austlii was a trailblazer internationally in making laws accessible on the internet for free. It helpfully publishes each section of a law on a separate page.
It also has some useful research tools.
If you want more advanced research tools Jade BarNet is also a free service providing online annotation and case library management, customised Alert email service for recent reports and other tools.
Have a look at each of them to see which you prefer.